I left for Etowah, TN on Thursday afternoon to attend the Esther Experience, this time as a small group leader. I was a little nervous about leaving my family for 72 hrs or so and about being a small group leader since that is quite a bit out of my comfort zone. I prayed about it for months and knew it was just of Satan to tell me I wasn't adequate enough for the job and would have nothing to give these women.
Thursday was getting settled in, figuring out where everything was, setting up from stuff, and meetings to know what the tentative plan for the weekend was. Also getting to know all of our small group leader. There were 15 of us.
Friday was up early which was a little rough since none of us slept Thurs night due to being in a different place and hearing every move we all made. We had to get everything set up for the nights events. There was a lot of prep work. We also made our journey to the cross after lunch. Participants showed up around 6:30 and I believe we got to bed around 11:30 that night.
Saturday is the day that feels like 3 put into 1. We were up early to get the day started. Had many sessions. It was a powerful, humbling day...... we got to bed late... midnight or so.
Sunday was the last day and we were up the earliest. We had our final sessions and finished up around 1 or so. We had an overall amazing beyond words can explain weekend.
Our theme for the event was Make War. It was based on 2 Corinthians 10:3-4.
I learned many things and God told me so much this weekend and once again showed me just how faithful He is, as I prayed so many things and He answered them all! The words he gave me this weekend were discipline and obedience. I won't give away any details of the experience because I believe EVERY woman needs to attend this retreat! It is Life changing! .... So attend Esther Experience and figure out just what is you are going to do to CHANGE YOUR WORLD!
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