Sunday, October 2, 2011


Our Pastor is doing a series on Audacious: The key to God sized living. Today was week 3. The first week was all about audacious prayers like in Joshua 10:1-15 when he asked God to make the sun stand still. Our Pastor challenged us to pray an Audacious prayer, something daring, reckless and bold... (There was a lot more to this message)
Week 2 was about Faith and he talked about who God said had the greatest faith he ever saw. It was so shocking after you hear all the stories in the bible, that it was a Roman Soldier (Centurion) in Matthew 8:5-13.
This week was being Audacious with our actions which we can do when we are walking in a close relationship with our Father. Our Pastor told us of one man's idea that God laid on his heart, to open a Church at the Cotton Eye Joe (which is a country night club). A Church where people who would normally never set foot in a church could go... who are lost, broken, etc.
Our Church helps with many ministries such as Water Angels and Team Guatemala. There biggest need is shoes. There was a man in Guatemala who got his 1st pair of shoes at the age of 78 yrs old. Can you imagine never having a pair of shoes and walking bare foot 24/7? or worse yet can you imagine your children with no shoes, esp here where it gets really cold? Needless to say we all gave the shoes off our feet and they will be sent to people in need... At first it was a little hard, Ivan was wearing his brand new shoes, his first thought was "I bet Heather wishes I was wearing my boots today" LOL ... (I'm not a fan of his boots) and I was wearing my favorite shoes as well, but as we prayed God specifically said, " They aren't yours", and Ivan and I agreed, everything we have is HIS and the only reason we have what we have is because HE has blessed us with it.... It was such a humbling and bittersweet moment at Church this morning... especially when we got our kids from their class and they asked where our shoes were, so we took them to see the alter and Alex sat right down to take the shoes off his feet without any hesitation. God has big plans for that sweet boy...
(The alter was full of shoes all the way around and that was only the 1st service... there are 2 more to come! )

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