In Sept. 2010 as we prayed God told Ivan to quit his job and stay home with the kids and had me work full time. We didn't know what this would look like and it was definitely a switch in roles but it was exactly what God wanted. He provided financially and in turn I had to give up some control and see that certain things were not that important, and Ivan had to realize what it was like to have different priorities and had to learn patience with the kids.
A couple weeks ago at church we gave the shoes off our feet to give to people in need. It was actually harder than it sounds. I was wearing my favorite shoes and Ivan was wearing his brand new shoes, but in the end God said "They are NOT yours, they are mine", as is everything we have. He is the one who allows us to have what we have. It was very humbling. When we told the kids what we had done they didn't think twice about what shoes were on their feet, they took them off, and put them on the alter... To have child-like faith and to live Audaciously without even knowing it!
I got the opportunity to be a small group leader at the Esther Experience last weekend. To say the least it was out of my comfort zone, but I put my faith in the Lord and He did amazing work through me. I can take No credit because it was the holy spirit working through me and speaking through me. I in my flesh could have done none of it!
If you looked at my finances, you would laugh... you wouldn't understand how I pay my bills... if you looked at my check book you wouldn't understand the balance. I know I don't but what I do know is that it can only be God because nothing else can explain it.
A couple months ago I was prompted to call my old nursing adviser back in Iowa where I went to school. To my surprise she said I could get right in next semester. I couldn't believe it but I knew instantly it was God opening a door. It is the very last semester I can get my RN without retaking everything! Ivan and I prayed alot about it, as its another huge decision and overall leap in Faith! Our main prayer was "God continue to open doors, show us where you want us, or shut them if you don't want us to move" I can't lie I had mixed feelings, I still do. We absolutely 100% LOVE IT HERE! We love the area, we love our family and church family, our church, kids schools, and our jobs.... but there is that tugging when you know you just HAVE to do what God is saying, we don't know All the reasons but we do know its whats right, for right now. Well God does continue to open doors for us so we have decided to go forward one day at a time and just let God do the work. Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
When you live Audaciously you see Results... Things happen... your life counts!! The reality is, and we have experienced this by many, when you live this way people don't like it, it makes them uncomfortable, they just don't understand! When you live Audaciously GOD gets the GLORY! Why, do you ask? Because anyone can see that none of THIS would be possible if it wasn't for HIM!
So... Are you willing to live Audaciously anyways? Even when people and other Christians don't agree?? I AM!! I expect people to think I'm crazy.... because if my life made sense I'd be worried... and I would know I'm just living safe and for myself... and WHO would get the glory for that?
Daniel 6:1-22 is a great example of someone who lived Audaciously for the Lord and didn't compromise his Christianity. Though his very life was on the line, he chose to remain true to himself and true to God. Now its your turn to stand up to the pressure and live to please GOD alone!!
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