Friday, September 30, 2011

My crazy boy child!

I don't have anything super silly to share about Alex recently. He is my crazy sports nut! He played coach pitch in the spring and wanted to try soccer this fall so that is what he is doing now. I would have to say he is doing really well for never playing it before in his life. Last week he got a goal for the 1st time so he was very excited! (So were Ivan and I) I absolutely LOVE watching him play sports. Of course when he gets a bit older that might change because I will be worried of injury I'm sure... (might have to take a xanax beforehand or something) ;-) He has his 3rd game tomorrow and team pictures also, should be a good time (except the cold weather)
Alex is not that into school. He loves math but I think that's about it! He struggles with reading but is actually a pretty good speller. The main thing I can say about Alex is that he has the sweetest and most sensitive soul. He is so caring about others! He loves Church and sharing his love for Jesus with others. Other than that he is most definitely 100% BOY... he loves all things boy: hunting, fishing, hiking, racing, sports.... DIRT... you name it! Oh and he LOVES his sisters... He is such a good brother. He won't really stand up for himself but yet he will chance kids down older than him for picky on his big sister... lol and he plays with them both very well (for the most part, of course they have their days) He's very much a family boy... he loves his WHOLE family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc)

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