It took hearing some very scary statistics and honestly they make me ill! There are 2.2 billion children in this world and 1 billion of them live in poverty, 925 million of them go hungry, 640 million of them don't have adequate shelter, 400 million of them have no access to safe water, 270 million of them have no access to health services, 15 million of them are orphaned due to HIV/AIDS, and 22,000 of them will die EACH DAY due to poverty! None of these kids asked for this, they didn't have a choice! This makes my heart hurt... My children have a roof over their head, their own rooms even, they have 4 bathrooms and a kitchen where they can get running water that is safe to drink and shower, they health insurance, they get more than enough to eat and often get a choice of what they want, they have more toys than they know what to do with and more clothes than their closet can fit, and shoes that match every outfit... My kids are WEALTHY....
America is the wealthiest country. 80 % of the world lives in poverty. America only makes up 5% of the population... 531 million people own vehicles in the world and America makes up 25% of that.... WE ARE WEALTHY! Truth is we have WAY more than we need.
It makes me sad when I read things about how we shouldn't mission to other countries or raise money to help other countries because we have so many people in America who are homeless. What makes them more important than those of other countries? God loves them all the same, he doesn't care about race, gender, or anything else! There are not enough jobs in other countries for them to work to raise money for their families... Yes I believe we should help those that are homeless in America but no more than any other country...
This weighs so heavy on my heart... I have 3 children and I can't bare to think for one minute that one of them were so hungry they were crying, or hurt or sick and there was NOTHING I could do for them...
I started couponing and becoming more frugal some months ago to help save money and to be able to give more to those in need and also to do a small part in making the world a better place by recycling. (All tips I learned from a my good friend, Melissa Cox) Today I called and got our cable/net bill lowered about $65.00. Its not much in comparison but its a small step! This weekend I am going through my entire home and getting rid of EVERYTHING we don't need or use because we have MORE than enough, and I want my children to know that, to not be greedy or ungrateful for what they have, and to want to give to children in need and also to raise money to donate.
I hope this helps others realize just how wealthy we are, and how we have chose to live this way. We don't NEED any of it, yet we feel we do, and when we don't have it we think we are poor. We take it all for granted. It is all worldly things that just keep us distant from whats really important in life. And we can't take ANY of it with us.
Ivan and I are praying about other things we can do to make a difference and God has placed on my heart something else to do so there may be some changes in our near future, for the better of course... Its all in HIS time!
Just a few verses:
DT 15:4-6 However, there should be no poor among you, for in the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you, if only you fully obey the LORD your God and are careful to follow all these commands I am giving you today. For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.
PS 112:1-3 Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his commands. His children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in his house…